That London

It’s been a long, long time since I went out with my camera as a tourist. I’d thought of doing this earlier in the year, but decided to take advantage of a trip to the Gherkin for the Fellows Lunch for a bit of sightseeing the day and morning before.

All but the final photos were taken on my Olympus E-PL9. I don’t think I’ve done a post about that yet; kept meaning to, never got around it it. Sounds familiar… The final three photos though are taken from the 39th and 40th floors of the Gherkin.

It’s also a reminder to me to fix the issue with the Gallery posts. Some use the in-built gallery alone, some use a now-disabled plugin.

July 2022

If you can’t stand the heat… don’t live in a south-facing flat with large patio windows.

June 2022

It started off busy, but then collapsed in a heap of work. And I still can’t add categories properly.

May 2022

A short one this month. Don’t complain, I’ve written a couple of other posts this month.