For the first time in a while, the Christmas tree hasn’t gone up this year. Given that it’s only two feet tall, plastic, with built-in, battery-operated lights, that’s quite an achievement.
I just don’t feel Christmassy this year.
As alluded to in my previous missive, doing a job I don’t really want to do (but need to do, for the money) that takes up all of my thinking time and keeps me constantly on edge means I get home in the evening with enough to time to eat, then fall asleep.
And ready to do it all again the next day.
On the bright side, this role ends on 30 December. On the down side… no cash.
But, it will give me some headspace time. Time to sort out some of the cadets-related issues (banking, internet access, the wretched F60 financial return).
I can do some of my CIPR CPD. I think I have 20 points logged, I’ve a further 20 I want to log on stakeholder relations and engagement… just in case 😉 Oh, and the compulsory ethics 5-pointer, of course. The more I do now, the less panic there will be in February, or March, or whenever the CPD year closes now.
I can sort out the photos that need to be scanned in, scan them in and add them to the collection (the collection that needs 2,500 images renaming). And file all the ones I did in July and August.
I could have a look at this site template, as I keep threatening to do, and work out how to remove all of the crap that Gutenberg keeps adding to side panels. Perhaps also revisit my hosting company.
I could even – whisper it soft – apply for jobs. Lots of jobs. I’ve found a few closing in the first week in January already, so that’s post-Chrstmas sorted.
Rather like Santa, then, I’ll be making a list. And checking it at least twice.
Wish me luck… on all counts!