With the car being a bit poorly, I decided not to risk it any further until the service on Wednesday, which meant going to cadets by train for the first time in three years.
Standing room, mostly, even though there is now a fast train to Huddersfield a mere 8 minutes before the one I caught. Maybe that was the one I should have caught? Anyway: Huddersfield is having St George’s Square re-designed and re-built: not that anyone told us in PR / Marketing at work, so that we could have put out a message saying that certain bus stops were suspended and routes slightly revised.
And on the way back… I was asked for spare change three times between the station and my chosen bus stop (and that’s on a Monday night). Oh, and a near 30-minute wait for a bus (which at least makes a change from the days when I sometimes missed the last bus home).
I really hope that the car is fine post-service…